We use Delhivery, Maruti courier services, DHL, Mark Express, Xpressbee, Bluedart, Atlantic Courier and many more to make deliveries possible throughout the world.
The shipping times usually vary depending on the postcode and area of delivery.
The maximum time we need for shipping within India is 12 working days and international is 21 working days.
Once the shipment has left our warehouse we have no control over its movement or delivery, we will not be responsible for any delays due to a third party courier partner. We can surely help you follow up and get contacts if possible for us.
We do our best at all times packaging your orders as it is also our ultimate goal to make it reach to you safely, but we are not responsible or liable for any loss or damage of goods during transit, as we have no control over the third party vendors we use for shipping.
Shipping cost is as per the volumetric weight and weight of the parcel charged by the courier company. We send all our couriers via air to avoid any kind of damage.
Once your order is shipped you will receive an email from our team with the tracking details, it will be your responsibility to check and keep track of the order in a timely manner, and get back to us during working hours if there are any delays than expected. Please ensure that we would need 1-2 working days to contact the delivery partner and derive more information on the status of the delivery.
International Shipping
Order Processing